Year of the Goat, Macau, 2015, 5oz


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The magnificent city of Macau is where East meets West, and where tradition meets modernity.  Drawing from this fascinating blend of cultures, The Monetary Authority of Macau proudly presents the Macau Lunar Coin Collection (2008 – 2019), which is exclusively minted and marketed by The Singapore Mint. Each of the 12 coins in this internationally acclaimed series reflects a harmonious balance of Macau’s Chinese heritage and the remnants of its past as a former Portuguese colony. The obverse side of each coin features an animal of the Chinese zodiac series, while the reverse side features one of the 12 selected sites located in the Historic Centre of Macau, which has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Macau Lunar Goat coin, the eighth in this collection, is issued in conjunction with the arrival of the 2015 Lunar Goat Year.

澳門,是一個新舊交融, 融合東西方文化於一體的迷人城市。她魅力非凡,別具韻味, 同時也散發著悠閒綺麗的小鎮風情和璀璨耀眼的都會風采。澳門金融管理局以當地和諧融會的多元文化為概念,隆重發行澳門生肖紀念幣系列(2008 – 2019)。這套享譽國際的紀念幣系列是由新加坡造幣廠獨家鑄造與銷售,十二個紀念幣都體現了澳門中華歷史傳統和葡萄牙殖民地時代流傳下來的文化之間的美妙平衡。每枚紀念幣的正面都描繪著十二生肖之一的英姿,而背面則雕琢著澳門歷史城區內的十二個指定景點之一,是聯合國教科文組織的世界文化遺產地。澳門生肖羊年紀念幣是澳門生肖紀念幣系列中的第八枚,為慶祝乙未羊年來臨之際發行。

The obverse side of the coin features a well-defined silhouette outlining the fine details of the goat’s body. The goat is flanked by a fringe of brilliantly-hued hododendron, a genus of flowers known for their many clusters of large blooms. The abundant petals along with the vivid colour evoke a sense of prosperity and thriving beauty. Rhododendron is one of China’s top 10 traditional flowers and has the prestigious title of “Queen of Beauty” bestowed on it.

Reflecting the docile and gentle nature of the goat, people born in the year of the Goat are said to be calm and dependable individuals who possess great composure and serenity. The goat is traditionally known by the ancient Chinese as a symbol of peace and luck. It occupies the highly favoured and blessed 8th position in the Chinese zodiac cycle – an immensely auspicious and lucky number in Chinese culture, symbolising the double fortune of peace and prosperity.



The Mount Fortress is featured on the reverse side of the coin, an important landmark of Macau’s illustrious past. One of the oldest historical structures in Macau, the Mount Fortress is part of the Historic Centre of Macau, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Located in the middle of the Macau Peninsula, the fortress stands atop a hill that rises 52 metres above sea level, offering breath-taking panoramic views of the city. Visitors to this site will be able to spot the remaining vestiges of its military past, such as the cannons that line the fortress walls and the military watchtowers that still stand till today.

紀念幣背面刻有大砲台的圖案,是澳門光輝歷史上的重要地標。澳門大砲台是當地其中一座最古老的歷史建築物, 處於澳門歷史城區內,是聯合國教科文組織的世界文化遺產地。它座落於澳門半島中部一座海拔52 米的山丘之上,四周景色美不勝收。在參觀大砲台之時,旅客也可以觀看到各種軍事歷史遺跡,例如圍著城牆而建的大砲和至今依然屹立不倒的軍事瞭望塔。

As the famous saying goes: With the advent of spring begins prosperity. This saying depicts three goats welcoming spring, which is a symbol of great fortune and usually refers to the unveiling of new beginnings and the ushering of renewed peace and serenity. This idiom of three goats welcoming spring is especially popular when the Lunar Calendar coincides with the Year of the Goat. Collecting all three coins from the Macau Lunar Goat series will be akin to having the legendary three goats ushering spring to the individual. In ancient times, a hunter bearing a goat home was a sign of good luck, and today having the image of the Goat emblazoned on a coin hints at the premise of stability that one could look forward to in their career and personal life, with a possibility of auspicious luck shining down on them throughout the year.


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