Special Offers: Conquest of Space First Space Walk and First Man in Space

June 2, 2014 0 By SCS

[box]由紐西蘭鑄幣廠鑄造,紐埃於2011年發行的Conquest of Space系列。紀念蘇聯太空人尤里·加加林乘坐東方1號進入地球軌道,於1961年4月12日成為第一位進入太空的人類。該日也在此後成為蘇聯和其他一些國家的紀念日。加加林在太空停留約108分鐘,成為人類航太史的一個里程碑。另一枚彩色精鑄紀念幣則紀念四年後蘇聯太空人阿列克謝·列昂諾夫於1965年3月18日在執行上升2號(Voskhod 2)任務時完成史上第一次艙外活動。/


Special offer on the New Zealand Mint products, the Conquest of Space series, released in 2011.

[Special Offer] Conquest of Space: First Space Walk, Niue, 2011, 1oz

Celebrating the first space walk as part of the Conquest of Space series featuring  Alexei Leonov. Alexei Leonov was one of the twenty Soviet Air Force pilots selected to be part of the first cosmonaut group in 1960. He was outside the Voshod 2 spacecraft for 12 minutes and 9 seconds on 18 March 1965, connected to the craft by a 5.35 metre tether.

[Special Offer] Conquest of Space: First Man in Space, Niue, 2011, 1oz

Another coin of the same series, the first man in space, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human being to journey into outer space, when his Vostok spacecraft completed a single orbit of the Earth on April 12, 1961.

Limited stock at $800 per set.  Secure yours now!